Bookkeeping Business Names
Your name is all part of branding the business, the right name and logo can get more interest than boring names. It is important to let people know your type of business you run in the name. Most will use bookkeeping, accounting, accountants, accounting and tax, using any of these instantly lets the client know the service you offer.
Most of the big accountancy firms just have a name without anything after it. These include Price Waterhouse, Deloitte, Ernest & Young and KPMG. The names work as they are recognised by people and are large organisations.
Bookkeeping Business Names Ideas
The next thing to consider is a name to go with it, some use first names, surnames, places in the area that you want to work or a name that means something to you. It is worth considering that with the growth of cloud accounting and storage, your client could be anywhere, and you never meet them.
Once you have chosen a name it is worth checking that the name isn’t used by other businesses. Checks can be completed easily on Companies House for limited companies or Google search, also look in local directories.
It can prove very costly to decide to change the name at a later stage. It will include reprinting of any stationery, website, logo’s on invoices and letting clients know.
Choosing Bookkeeping Domain Name
Having the right bookkeeping business name is also important when choosing a domain name for your website. Using the words bookkeeping, accounting, accountants in the domain will help people and Google to know what your website is all about. A website can be a cheap way to gain clients if it is done correctly. There are lots of free ways to get a website, the most popular is WordPress. Although a paid domain and hosting will help with better rankings in search results.
You will also need to think about the overall feel for the business, do you want to make it sound fun or serious. It is also worth considering the type of clients that you want to work for. Some accounting firms specialise in certain sectors, like builders or retail. All these things will help to choose a name and branding.
Bookkeeping Name Examples
One way to get some ideas is to complete a Google search in your area. Write down all the names and see what you think of them, do they work? Do you know the type of business they are?
I completed a quick search on Bookkeepers in London and came up with a short list:
- Cain and Beer Certified Bookkepers
- SK Bookkeepers
- Braant Accounting
- London Bookkeeping Services
- Target Accounting
By making a list you can get an idea of what works and if any names look out of place.
I run my own bookkeeping business and when thinking of a name I wanted something that was personal to me. The business name is Littlefoot Bookkeeping Services, this is due to my daughter being born premature and having such small feet. The name has also become a good opener with new clients, as they are interested to know why it is called that. If you want to look at the branding the website is
Other bookkeeping business names I would have looked at are:
‘Surname’ Bookkeeping Services
‘County’ Bookkeeping Services
‘City’ Bookkeeping Services
The problem I have with these names is that the county I live in is a large area and I want to support local businesses. The city is not suitable as I live between a city and two towns and offer my services to the whole area and I didn’t want to use my surname.
Once you have chosen your bookkeeping business name, talk to friends, family and businesses to see if they like it, or ask them for other ideas. Brainstorming is a great way to create a complete brand.
We have written a complete section on starting a bookkeeping business. The guide includes calculating how much you can charge, the hours you can work, software and gaining clients.
Good luck with finding bookkeeping business names and choosing the right one.