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Free Rent Receipt Template

If you’re looking for a free rent receipt template, you’ve come to the right place. Our templates are easy-to-use; they will help you keep track of your monthly rent payments, download, print, and fill in the blanks!

We have several different rent receipts available to download, including Excel and Word and we also review some of the software options available. All our templates are simple to use and printable.

As a landlord, keeping track of your rental properties is essential to the business. You want to ensure the tenant is happy and keep track of income. A written rent receipt is one way to stay organised and keep on top of things.

Excel Rent Receipt Template

A rent receipt template is a tool landlords can use to streamline the recording and tracking of rent payments. Tenants can also use this type of template as documentation that they have paid their rent on time.

Before any documents are issued, check that you comply with the rules and regulations of your country or state. If you are unsure, check with a legal advisor.

Rental Agreements

Getting a rental agreement drawn up before any payments are made is worth taking time over. They are designed to protect both the tenant and property owner. Free agreements are available online, or you can use a management company or solicitor.

Why is a Rent Receipt so Important?

A rent receipt is crucial for the tenant and landlord to keep track of rent payments.

As a landlord, you need to keep track of all your income and expenditure for tax purposes. The tenancy agreement signed states the amount payable each period.

As a tenant, you want proof that you have paid for your rent, especially cash payments, as there is no other record. The receipt is valid whether it is a piece of paper, emailed as a document or shared on cloud software.

The safest way to pay rent is through bank transfer, direct debit or cheque. It will mean you will have a transaction record on the bank statement. If payment is by cheque, the receipt should be issued when it has cleared the bank.

Rental Software

If you want to keep better track of your rental property accounts, there are different options available. Rental software can offer a variety of features and benefits to help you manage your rental properties more efficiently. Rentila has a free plan for managing a single property or £9.90 for unlimited per month.

Accounting software like QuickBooks, Xero, and FreshBooks have revolutionised how businesses manage their finances. With accounting software, all financial transactions relating to the rental can be easily tracked in one place, eliminating the risk of human error and saving valuable time.

QuickBooks Banner with discount

Landlord Rent Receipt

Excel Rent Receipt Template

Our free rent receipt template is simple to use, and you can add all the information that is required, including:

  • Address
  • Date
  • Rental period covered
  • Tenant address
  • Amount paid
  • Method of payment
  • Signature

If you are a company to make it official, print it on letterhead paper.

The first template is for money received from a tenant and is available in Excel, Word or PDF. We have also produced a receipt log that is useful for recording regular payments from a tenant in one place. The register is equivalent to a rent receipt book available to purchase on Amazon.

How to use the Rent Receipt Template

Download the rent receipt template at the end of this page and open it in Excel.

Add your details to the landlord section, including name, address, telephone number and email. Save it, which will act as a master template.

Please enter the details of your first property and tenant, and save it again using the address or tenant name as the file name. It will avoid completing the same information each time you issue a new rent receipt.

When you receive a payment, complete the rest of the details, including date of payment, rental period, method of payment (cheque, cash, transfer), receipt number and amount.

If you are providing a paper copy, print it off and sign it; for emails or documents shared on the cloud, type in your name in the signature.

Save the completed form as a new file name; it will mean you have records of all the transactions.

If you visit the client to collect cash, print off two copies and use carbon paper to record the details on both documents.

Printable Rent Receipt Example

Below is a rent receipt example. The example we use is cash received for the rental period of January 2020.

Rent Receipt Template Example

Rent Receipt Letter

You might prefer to send a rent receipt letter to the client.

Below are templates for a Word rent receipt letter. These are simple to complete, and either hand them to the client or email them.

Rent Receipt Letter Template in Word

Instructions for Rent Receipt letter

The rent receipt letter template in Word is simple to use. Download the template using the link at the end of the page. 

Enter the details for the landlord; you can use the tab key to jump to the next item to change. On the date, use the drop-down arrow to select a date. Complete the remaining form and save it to your computer. The letter can then be printed or emailed to the payee.

Rent Receipt Book

Another option is to use a rent receipt book. It is helpful, especially if the client makes a partial payment, non-payment or late payment, as it keeps track of how much is outstanding. Rental books are available to purchase on Amazon, or you can use our template.

Start by entering the tenant’s name and address and the outstanding amount of rent. When a payment is due, record the date and amount. When payment is received, enter the payment date and the rent payment received. Calculate the account balance and sign for the payment.

Below is an example of the rent received log.

Rent Receoved Log Book Example

5 Advantages of using Rent Receipts

There are several advantages of using rent receipts:

1 It is a formal transaction record and can be used as evidence if there is a dispute.

2 It can be used to keep track of payments received and outstanding amounts.

3 It can help you stay organised and keep on top of your finances

4 It is a requirement in some countries to provide a rent receipt if the rent is over a certain amount.

5 It can be used for tax purposes to claim expenses related to the property, such as mortgage interest, repairs and maintenance.

Disadvantages of Rent Receipts

There are disadvantages to using rental receipts, including:

1 It can be easy to forget to get a receipt or lose track of them.

2 If you use a rent receipt book, you must keep it in a safe place and remember to bring it with you when you collect rent payments.

3 You will need to have access to a printer if you want to print off.

Rental Software

There are other options, which in the long term, might save you time. The first is to look at Landlord software. The advantage of this is that you can complete everything in one place. Features include legal documents, mortgage loans, contacts for suppliers, accounting, bank feeds, tasks and many reports. The software provides login for the tenant as well.

The software I reviewed is Landlord Vision; the cost is £3.97 for up to 3 properties and increases as you add other rentals. They have a free demo you can sign up for to ensure it is suitable for the business.

Accounting Software for Rent Receipts

If you are looking for a more comprehensive way of keeping track of your rental payments, you might consider using accounting software. Software can save time as all the information will be in one place, and you can generate reports to help you keep track of rent receipts, payments and balances.

Several software packages are available, so look at the various features available and take out a free trial. One of the features is recurring invoices; you can set the software to produce an invoice before the rental payment is due as a reminder. Once the tenant pays, a cash receipt is available to email or post, showing the paid rent payment method and date.

Software packages in the UK are FreshBooks, QuickBooks and Xero. A free option is Pandle; it has many features of a paid-for solution.


We have produced further bookkeeping templates to assist in your accounting, including cash book, budget, word receipt and petty cash.

Rent Receipts FAQ

My tenant makes late payments; what is the best way to record it?

It is better to use software or a rent receipt form to keep track of when rent is paid and a record of the date it is paid.

When should I issue rent receipts?

You should only issue a receipt when the landlord receives payment, do not assume that payment will be made on time and automatically issue rent receipts on the day payment should be made.

How can I keep track of a Cash payment?

The best way to track any cash is by ensuring a receipt is issued and states cash on the rent receipt.

Free Rent Receipt Downloads

By downloading our free rent receipts templates, you agree to our licence agreement, allowing you to use the templates for your own personal or business use only. You may not share, distribute, or resell the templates to anyone else in any way.

Conclusion to Rent Receipt Templates

Whether you use a rent receipts book, templates, or software, keeping track of payments and receipts is essential. This information can help when tax season comes around or if there are any discrepancies with the rent payment.

Having this documentation also helps to build a good relationship with your tenant.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a legal expert if you have questions about rent receipts or your legal obligations as a landlord.